Serengeti National Park
Unique personalized safari, Memorable Safaris, Enjoyable sunrise to sunset adventures, Experience one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Africa, Travel in Tanzanian, African safari, Tanzania safaris, Memorable, Memorable safari, sunrise, sunset, sunrise to sunset, Unique experience, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Ngorongoro crater, Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru, Meru, Zanzibar, Highlands, Leopard, Cheetah, Lion, The big Five, Empakai, Acacia Manyara, Lake Eyasi, Lake Natron, Herds, Predator, Wildebeest, Wildebeest immigration, Animal migration, Flamingo, tree climbing lions, Olduvai Gorge, Maasai lands, Rhino, Zebras, Great rift valley, hazda people, OlDoinyo Lengai.
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Serengeti National Park


Situated in Tanzania’s northern Mara and Simiyu regions, Serengeti National Park shares its north border with Kenya. The mere mention of Serengeti evokes images of the annual migration of wildebeests and zebras across the savannah, lions lurking in tall grass, and cheetahs strolling at dawn. Renowned for hosting the annual migration of over 1.75 million ungulates, this park’s rich ecosystem is also home to the revered “Big five” species, including lions, African leopards, African elephants, black rhinoceroses, and African buffalo. In addition to these iconic animals, Serengeti boasts numerous other wildlife species, such as baboons, Nile crocodiles, and over 500 bird species. Hence, it’s no surprise that Serengeti attracts more visitors annually than any other Tanzanian national park. To witness the mesmerizing wildebeest migration, plan to spend several days in this vast and exceptional park.


With an annual spectacle driven by ancient instincts, the Serengeti witnesses a million wildebeest engaging in a frenzied three-week period of territorial conquests, mating, and a perilous 40km (25-mile) journey through crocodile-infested waters on their northern exodus.


This endeavor results in a rapid population explosion, with over 8,000 calves born daily, followed by a 1,000 km (600-mile) pilgrimage. Covering 14,763 sq km (5,700 sq miles), the Serengeti is Tanzania’s oldest and most celebrated national park, renowned for the annual migration where six million hooves traverse open plains, accompanied by over 200,000 zebras and 300,000 Thomson’s gazelles. Even outside the migration, the Serengeti offers exceptional game viewing with herds of buffalo, elephant, giraffe, eland, topi, kongoni, impala, and Grant’s gazelle.


Predator-prey interactions are prevalent, featuring lion prides, solitary leopards, and a high density of cheetahs. The park is home to all three African jackal species, spotted hyenas, and various smaller predators. Beyond mammals, the Serengeti boasts diverse wildlife, from agama lizards to dung beetles, along with over 500 bird species, including ostriches and secretary birds. The expansive Serengeti Plains offer a sense of boundless freedom, transforming from sunburnt savannah to a green carpet after rains, dotted with wildflowers and characterized by wooded hills, towering termite mounds, rivers with fig trees, and acacia woodlands. This vast wilderness, despite its popularity, provides opportunities to witness nature’s raw drama with minimal human presence when lion prides focus on their next meal.


At Memorable Safari, we offer flexible game drives from 6 am to 6 pm. Your itinerary aligns with designated game drive areas, adhering to park regulations. You can choose to start early or enjoy a leisurely breakfast on different days. In some parks, early mornings and late afternoons are ideal for wildlife viewing. We recommend early game drives in Serengeti & Ngorongoro with packed meals. Each evening, plan the next day with your guide based on wildlife and weather. Patience in observing animal behavior is encouraged. We tailor your safari to your interests, ensuring an exceptional experience that surpasses your expectations. For more information on what to expect and what to pack check out our Travel Guide.

Serengeti related Safaris